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Vocational Programs


By offering national qualifications and accredited programs for students in Years 10, 11 and 12, 51´óÈü Vocational Education and Training (VET) helps students transition directly to employment or access vocational and higher education pathways.

Students gain national qualifications and valuable workplace skills and experience while still at school. Completed VET qualifications contribute towards WACE achievement.

Qualifications delivered by external training organisations are not available until the Term 3 when schools are notified of the options.  Students may access the list via their course selection process which commences late Term 2, or early Term 3.  There is no guarantee that qualifications offered in the current year will be available in the following year.


Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) often work with schools (third parties) to deliver a range of services which includes:  providing marketing, undertaking recruitment, using facilities and resources, and the training and/or assessment of vocational education and training.

51´óÈü enters into third-party agreements with several RTOs for the training and assessment of qualifications on our campus by Shenton teachers who are qualified trainers and assessors.  51´óÈü delivers a range of VET qualifications on behalf of RTOs under this arrangement.

RTOs under a third-party agreement, are selected using the Department of Education’s Panel of Private Registered Training Organisations.

Click here to view a list of the 2024 qualifications offered along with the RTO.

Please note that the qualifications offered each year will change depending on student selections, RTOs, trainer and assessor availability and vocational opportunities.


51´óÈü students in Years 11 and 12 may apply to undertake qualifications that are delivered offsite by an RTO.  Some of these qualifications are fully funded (Profile), while others are offered under a Fee-For-Service arrangement which requires the parent/guardian to pay a program fee on enrolment.

Fully-funded opportunities are generally aligned to industries where skill shortages have been identified. These include pre-apprenticeships and a variety of trade qualifications in the Building and Construction Industry. Qualifications from the following industry areas are often offered:  Information Technology, Community Service, Health, Fashion, Beauty, Engineering, Events, Tourism and Education.

Students must commit to attending all training classes offsite one or two days per week depending on the qualification and RTO.  It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they maintain their school course requirements during the three to four days at school.

The application process takes place during Term 2 and Term 3 of the previous year. Expressions of interest for these opportunities are accepted in June/July after an interview with the Manager of Vocational Pathways. Successful students are notified in mid to late Term 4 and will commence training in the following year.

As these programs are highly competitive, late applications will not be accepted. Programs are offered to students entering Years 11 and 12 via Compass and through the Student Subject Online process.


School-Based Apprenticeships Traineeships (SBAT) and Aboriginal School-Based Traineeships (ASBAT) enable students to commence a traineeship or apprenticeship at the same time as completing secondary schooling. After signing a formal training contract, students commence the qualification in partnership with an RTO and an employer. Students are remunerated for their workforce participation and the qualification contributes to WACE on completion.  Please follow the link for SBAT Guidelines.


Try-a-Trade is a ‘hands-on’ opportunity for students to gain exposure to the Building and Construction Industry and is funded by the Construction Training Fund. The program is generally offered to students in Years 10 and 11 and is delivered by several public and private RTO. The programs range from one to three days in length and are offered via Compass notifications to parents and students.  Try-a-Trade opportunities are very competitive and offered to small groups of students at a time.


Authority-Developed Workplace Learning (ADWPL) is a School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) Endorsed Program managed by the College that enables students to be accredited for the learning and skills developed in the workplace. Students may be accredited for paid and unpaid work if they provide authenticated evidence of hours worked, and evidence of knowledge and skill development through a set of theory questions in Skills Journals.

A minimum of 55 hours in the workplace is required to complete each program unit, which is equivalent to a ‘C’ grade, and a maximum of four may be achieved between Years 10 and 12.  Year 11 and 12 students enrolled in qualifications may have a mandated workplace component.  The VET/ADWPL Support Officer will assist and monitor this process with students.

51´óÈü welcomes the support of our local community to provide students with work experience opportunities in a range of industries and occupations. If you are in a position to assist, please contact our VET/ADWPL Support Officer by phone on 9366 9100 or email at Shenton.Col.VET@education.wa.edu.au.  Students engaged in work experience are covered by Department of Education insurance.

Year 10 students interested in work experience will be required to source an organisation willing to provide this opportunity.  A maximum of one week will be negotiated around the student’s curriculum and assessment requirements. An application form may be obtained from the VET/ADWPL Support Officer who is located in the Upper Senior School Administration HUB. The application will require the host employer’s name and contact details. The VET/ADWPL Support Officer will discuss program requirements with the host supervisor before confirming a placement.


Unique to 51´óÈü, the Futures Program commenced in 2022.  The program was created to support Year 11 and 12 students engaging in qualification pathways that require two days of external training with a RTO, or one-day of training and one day in the workplace. Student learning plans to achieve WACE include studying the following courses at the College three days per week, in addition to external training and/or workplace learning:

  • English (General or ATAR)
  • Mathematics (Essentials General or Applications ATAR)
  • Career and Enterprise (General)

A range of qualifications available through Profile or Fee for Service arrangements requires students to complete an application and meet with the Manager of Vocational Pathways in Terms 3 and 4.  Places in many of these qualifications are highly competitive.  Qualifications range from Certificate II through to Diploma and will be offered through Compass.


There is a team of staff members located in the Upper Senior School Administration HUB who will assist with your enquiries and they can be reached by email at Shenton.Col.VET@education.wa.edu.au:

  • Kath Criddle, Manager of Vocational Pathways
  • Linda Phillips, VET/ADWPL Support Officer
  • Carolyn Burton, VET Support Officer
  • Crystal Smith, VET Student Liaison
© 2025 51´óÈü